Avoid Tensing Your Body During These Regular Occurrences

14 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog


During the day, you may go through a variety of occurrences without hardly giving them any thought. However, the manner in which your body responds to such events can influence whether you might be in pain. Many people have a habit of tensing their bodies somewhat involuntarily as they perform certain activities, but doing so has the potential to shift your spine out of alignment in a hurry — and leave you gingerly making an appointment to see the local chiropractor. Here are three regular occurrences for which you should try to maintain a loose, fluid body.


Sneezing, especially when you're in public and feel a big sneeze coming on, can be a little embarrassing. However, you're usually better off letting the sneeze out rather than tensing your body and trying to stifle it. The act of sneezing generates considerable force in your body, and if you make an effort to hold your core tight, it's possible that you might shift your spine out of alignment due to this pressure. While you shouldn't make an effort to sneeze as loudly as possible, letting the sneeze out without tensing your body — and making sure to cover your nose and mouth, of course — limits your risk of a back injury.


On the surface, you might think that you don't jump very much during the day. However, think about how you move around, and it's possible that you'll notice several small jumps. A common one is to jump off the last stair or two as you descend a flight of stairs. If you're going to engage in this behavior, it's ideal to avoid being tense. In other words, you should allow your body to be fluid. Let your knees bend a little to absorb some of the impact. Keeping your legs stiff and your upper body tight could potentially cause a sore back, not to mention eventual knee pain.


Some people are tense as they step into the shower, especially if the water hasn't fully heated up yet. The problem with doing so is that your leg is elevated as you get in, which means that your spine is usually bent a bit. If you tense up tightly as the cool water hits your body, it's possible that you'll feel some pain in your back. This is especially risky if you're someone who has had back pain in the past. You're better off not only waiting until the water is warm, but also keeping your body soft and relaxed.

Contact a clinic, like Gerleman Chiropractic Office, for more help.